Marino Wijay

Marino is a Developer & Platform Advocate at, EddieHub Ambassador, and KubeHuddle Organizer. He is passionate about technology and modern distributed systems that involve heavy networking. He will always fall back to the patterns of Networking and the ways of the OSI. Community building is his driving force; A modern Jedi Academy. Marino brings two decades of tech experience and knowledge to all conversations he has with the community to help grow and inspire them.


Measure Twice, Cut Once: Dive Into Network Foundations For All!
Marino Wijay

Networks are the foundation of distributed apps, especially in cloud-native ecosystems. Awareness of how data moves between applications is critical for understanding their performance, security, and efficiency.

As many apps are built and deployed onto container systems like Kubernetes, it’s key to understand where traffic goes, how to communicate with your applications, and how to decipher network protocols and transactions.

Cloud-native application networking tools offer many advantages, but require a deep understanding of the Linux networking stack.

This workshop prepares DevOps Engineers to navigate networks and develop expertise in networking technologies. By using the Linux operating system, this workshop helps you to answer the questions:
- What does a packet look like?
- How does it flow into your microservices?
- How do you trace network & API communications?
- Why do you need DNS?
- How does Service mesh help with microservices?
- How can eBPF improve our network performance?

Grote Zaal