Proposals are closed

devopsdays Amsterdam 2023

Thank you for considering a submission for devopsdays Amsterdam 2023!

The format of devopsdays Amsterdam includes a single track of in-person 25-minute talks in the morning of each day, followed by in-person ignite talks (5 minutes, auto-forwarding). We spend the rest of the afternoon in Open Spaces, considered a vital portion of the event. We continue offering an additional single track around a specific theme or topic for those not interested in the Open Spaces. Before both event days, we'll host a workshop day with workshops of various lengths (45, 90, 120, or 180 minutes - depending on the submission).

To increase your chance of having your talk selected, please broadly align with the following topics.
- organizational changes (management and engineering)
- cultural aspects
- war stories (successes and failures are equally important to us!)
- what is the next frontier for DevOps?
- knowledge gained on how to adopt a particular technology successfully

We do not accept vendor sales pitches, PR-firm submissions, or submissions on behalf of someone else.
Workshop topics can be more in-depth, including technical and non-technical topics, but should fit a hands-on classroom setting.

If you need assistance covering travel, accommodation, or other expenses, you can let us know in the questions section. This will not affect your chances of being selected.
Should you have any other ideas or questions or need help submitting, please reach out to the organizers at [email protected].

By submitting, you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct.

Finally, only submissions for in-person talks will be accepted. While we will provide a streaming option for attendees that can't make it in person, the talks will only be in-person.

This Call for Papers closed on 2023-02-28 23:59 (Europe/Amsterdam).