Ross Dickey
Ross started his tech career as an assistant SysAdmin at an engineering firm in High School, where he was introduced to 2003 vintage monitoring tools like sar, perl, and the crontab. He was an early employee at CopperEgg -- a server/cloud monitoring SaaS company from 2011-2014 -- where he learned that "DevOps" is not just a way of life, but also a verb and job title. He currently DevOps at Logicmonitor -- yet another server/cloud monitoring SaaS company -- as a Senior DevOps Engineer where he complains about databases in his expensive time. In between the monitoring firms, he used several other monitoring technologies, all of which technically functioned I guess. In his free time he's Commander Shepard and this is his favorite talk at the conference.
I am going to lead a meditation session consisting of devops and SRE affirmations.