Telemetry on Mobile: Event-Based Instrumentation of Apps at American Express
2024-05-03 , Legends Room

The Mobile SRE team at American Express has developed an architecture that defines their traces, metrics, and logs through an event-based approach that hides the telemetry implementation from developers. This session will show how we got there, and why we find this approach to be more effective than the alternatives.

The Mobile SRE team at American Express is responsible for (among other things) monitoring the user experience across the mobile apps. That experience includes a myriad of customer journeys, in many different markets, implemented by many different developer teams, which means that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to instrumentation. After experimenting with various solutions, the team landed on an event-based approach based loosely on some of the tenets of OpenTelemetry. This talk will present the path to describing telemetry through events and it will show how the application codebases have become easier to reason about, more testable, and increasingly covered by traces as a result of using this architecture.

This talk argues that developers are most effective when they can focus on the business logic that is being implemented, without needing to be an expert on the way that telemetry data is collected. With that idea as a guiding concept, the Mobile SRE team created an architecture that allows developers to clearly communicate about the performance of their application.

Ace is the iOS Lead on the Mobile SRE team at American Express. He lives in Phoenix, AZ with his wife and two dogs. When he's not trying to measure all the things in the Amex mobile apps, he's probably thinking about board games and escape rooms.