devopsdays Eindhoven 2025
Call for proposals
Thank you for considering a submission for DevOpsDays Eindhoven 2025. The format of DevOpsDays Eindhoven includes a single track of in-person keynotes, talks and ignites. We spend the afternoon in Open Spaces, considered a vital portion of the event, but also have talks in the afternoon.
Important Dates:
- Call for Proposals opens January 2025.
- Call for Proposals closes May 10, 2025.
- Selected talks will be announced beginning of June, 2025.
- The event is happening 2 and 3 October 2025, please block these in your calendar if you submit.
Conference theme and topic ideas
- We love hearing 'from the trenches' stories from practitioners that become Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger by 'doing' devops. These talks are consistently best received: “We had problem X; we did Y to address it, here’s how that turned out, both the good and the bad.” Sometimes people feel they should dilute their experience and turn it into a more generic presentation. This almost always makes for a weaker submission. Genuine implementations and personal lessons learned are what our audience has consistently found the most compelling.
- Knowledge gained on how to adopt a particular way-of-work successfully.
- Organizational change (management and engineering), collaboration, dependencies, team topologies.
- Creating flow, removing impediments, making the hard (cloud, security, etc.) stuff easy to consume.
Speaker criteria
- As a community conference, we'd love to hear from our peers: people that practice devops on a daily basis (and not those that to sell 'devops').
- We prefer local speakers and speakers that can travel sustainably.
- People who are new to the space and have insightful stuff to say; we want to hear everybody's voice. We can help with your submission and/or talk preparations, just reach out at [email protected].
One of the main building blocks of DevOps is Culture. We highly value diversity and embrace it. We believe that DevOpsDays should shine a spotlight on it. If you're part of a group whose voices we don't hear as often, we'd love to hear from you!
NOTE! We do not accept vendor sales pitches, PR-firm submissions, or submissions on behalf of someone else.
General guidelines
Don't submit more than 2-3 proposals, and ensure you give us enough details to understand what your talk will be about and what people will learn from it in the Notes section. A one-liner is not enough for us to evaluate your talk properly and might end up on the lower end of the voting scale. More than one speaker? That's fine, make sure you add them to the proposal!
When submitting an Ignite please be aware that we will ask for your slides in PDF format a minimum of 2 days before the conference. For a detailed explanation of how Ignites work see this page. Ignite talks will all be run by the ignite talk wrangler from their system on auto-forwarding.
By submitting, you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct.
Finally, only submissions for in-person talks will be accepted. While we will provide a streaming option for attendees that can't make it in-person, the talks will only be in-person.
Questions? Help?
Should you have any other ideas or questions or need help submitting, please reach out to the organizers at [email protected].
You can enter proposals until 2025-05-10 23:59 (Europe/Amsterdam), 1 month, 3 weeks from now.