Pramod Rana

Pramod Rana is author of below open source projects:
1. Omniscient - LetsMapYourNetwork: a graph-based asset management framework
2. sec-depend-aider - Dependabot pull request monitoring automation platform
3. CICDGuard - Orchestrating visibility and security of CICD ecosystem
4. vPrioritizer - Art of Risk Prioritization: a risk prioritization framework

He has presented at BlackHat, Defcon, nullcon, OWASPGlobalAppSec, HackMiami, HackInParis and Insomnihack before.

He is leading the application security team in Netskope with primary focus on integrating security controls in the development process and providing security-testing-as-a-service to engineering teams.


Doing more with less - DevSecOps with limited budget
Pramod Rana

Cost is the most powerful driving factor of everything we do in a DevSecOps program (or anything in general) and yet, more often than not, focus is on well-discussed trilogy - People, Process and Technology. In this talk I will share my real-world approaches, experiences & learnings of a scalable DevSecOps program and provide the cost perspective to it. It will help the application security professionals to understand how they can optimize the (limited) resources to achieve the relevant and measurable outcome.

Scotiabank Lecture Hall