Versatility as a DevOps Practitioner
08-21, 15:45–16:45 (America/Halifax), Scotiabank Lecture Hall

Oh hey, it's a new day, and a whole bunch of new frameworks, automation tools and best practices are upon us. If we don't read up on everything or at least keep an eye on things, we'll fall behind, right?

Well, no. But what's the solution? How can we build careers that weather all these changes?

In this talk, I want to address this by advocating for becoming versatile DevOps practitioners.

Versatility is not about being a generalist or a specialist. Rather, versatility should sit at the core of what makes us not just DevOps practitioners, but human beings. To recognise patterns and cultivate transferrable skills, to solve problems, think critically and communicate clearly.

We'll leave as architects of our deep understanding of core technological concepts and get empowered to approach any new tool or situation with confidence.

Oh hey, it's a new day, and a whole bunch of new frameworks, automation tools and best practices are upon us. If we don't read up on everything or at least keep an eye on things, we'll fall behind, right?

Well, no. But what's the solution? How can we build careers that weather all these changes?

In this talk, I want to address this by advocating for becoming versatile DevOps practitioners.

Versatility is not about being a generalist or a specialist. Rather, versatility should sit at the core of what makes us not just DevOps practitioners, but human beings. To recognise patterns and cultivate transferrable skills, to solve problems, think critically and communicate clearly.

We'll leave as architects of our deep understanding of core technological concepts and get empowered to approach any new tool or situation with confidence.

Carmen Huidobro is a developer advocate and dev education enthusiast. She thrives on lifting others up in their tech careers and loves a good CSS challenge. Always excited to talk about teaching tech, especialmente en Español, oder auf Deutsch.