Efficient Cloud Application Monitoring with Grafana API Integration
08-22, 13:15–13:45 (America/Halifax), Scotiabank Lecture Hall

Grafana is a popular open-source monitoring tool, but users often cannot utilize its full potential to monitor or visualize data efficiently.

In this talk, we will demonstrate an example of how to monitor your application running in the cloud using the Grafana API integration plugin. Later, we see more advanced features to get the key metrics to better observability.

It will be an introduction to the Dashboards, and also an excellent opportunity to learn more about the advanced features, including troubleshooting & debugging.

join us to learn more about Grafana dashboards, community contributions and share your feedback and suggestions!

The technical requirements for this talk are below:

Basic knowledge of at least any monitoring tool
Good knowledge of APIs
Good knowledge of JSON
Basic know-how about SQL queries

Here is the complete agenda:

  1. Introduction
  2. Current challenges while using Cloud-based applications
  3. Using Grafana with Infinity Plugin
    3.1 Short intro about Grafana and its eco-system
    3.2 Expainling about Infinity Plugin
  4. Requirements to set it up
  5. How to create Dashboards
    5.1 Transforming JSON Data
    5.2 Using Customization Features
    5.3 Understanding Templating and Advanced Techniques
  6. Demo
    7 Key Takeaways
  7. QnA

Usman is a Senior Developer Advocate at Grafana Labs from Nuremberg, Germany. He works with the Open Source community on the community forum, GitHub and Slack.

He has over 15 years of experience in IT and over 10 years in Cloud Support where he served multiple customers all over Europe, US, Japan, etc.

He is an active international public speaker participating in multiple conferences and events.

In his free time, Usman likes to spend time with his family, go out on occasional traveling and play games or read comics.

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