Unwind: Breaking the Psychology of Cloud Vendor Lock-in
08-22, 10:00–10:30 (America/Halifax), Scotiabank Lecture Hall

Do you base your goals and success criteria on what’s good for you? Or what’s good for your cloud provider? The phenomenon of vendor lock-in is widely acknowledged to over-sell and under-serve us, so why is this so prevalent? A cloud agnostic approach is a durable and highly sought after strategy, but it requires more than just redrawing an architecture. In this talk we’ll explore the narratives and psychological aspects that shape our choice of tooling, and the art of the possible when that tooling works for us.

Do you base your goals and success criteria on what’s good for you? Or what’s good for your cloud provider? The phenomenon of vendor lock-in is widely acknowledged to over-sell and under-serve us, so why is this so prevalent? A cloud agnostic approach is a durable and highly sought after strategy, but it requires more than just redrawing an architecture. In this talk we’ll explore the narratives and psychological aspects that shape our choice of tooling, and the art of the possible when that tooling works for us.

Billy Thompson is a Cloud Engineering Manager for Akamai Cloud Computing Services, helping customers design portable architectures and deploy them at scale. Billy holds an InfoSec degree and has a special interest in DevOps, Cloud-native and open source technologies, as well as Python, Rust, and GO programming languages. He is a longtime Arch Linux user and Vegan, and never knows which to tell people first. Outside of work he volunteers his home for fostering and acclimating rescue dogs.