Unlocking Efficiency with Self-Service Automation
08-22, 14:30–15:00 (America/Halifax), Scotiabank Lecture Hall

In a multi-vendor/hybrid world, self-service automation gives organizations flexibility and a common way to deploy and manage accelerating service delivery and user experience. This talk will explore the benefits of self-service automation, introduce the concept of an Automation Services Layer as a unified approach, and showcase key use-cases such as IT operations and DevOps, leveraging integrated tools and solutions for a holistic result. Hart will provide a quick guide on how to get started, helping organizations implement and scale automation efficiently.

In a multi-vendor/hybrid world, self-service automation gives organizations flexibility and a common way to deploy and manage accelerating service delivery and user experience. This talk will explore the benefits of self-service automation, introduce the concept of an Automation Services Layer as a unified approach, and showcase key use-cases such as IT operations and DevOps, leveraging integrated tools and solutions for a holistic result. Hart will provide a quick guide on how to get started, helping organizations implement and scale automation efficiently.

Hart Ripley of MOBIA's Office of the CTO (OCTO) leads the National Automation initiatives for clients across Canada, finding creative solutions and ways to automate and improve efficiencies. Hart has almost 20 years of experience in technology, from networking, to infrastructure, and more recently in the DevOps and automation space. Join Hart to learn more about self-service automation in the enterprise!