What does a future proof organisation look like?
08-22, 10:30–11:00 (America/Halifax), Scotiabank Lecture Hall

The world is changing faster and faster and technical possibilities are increasing exponentially. Organisations are responding by moving from one reorganisation to another. And usually it gets more complicated. DevOps teams typically suffer more from organisational issues than technical ones. What should a future-proof organisation look like? Meaning that you only need 1 final reorganisation to get there. And is it possible to move towards it directly and at an accelerated pace?

Is it possible to move towards a future proof organisation directly and at an accelerated pace? What elements are important in this process? And what can we learn from what has been tried in the - recent - past? In this highly interactive presentation Jan de Vries uses a combination of Appreciative Inquiry and First Principle Thinking* to help you discover your own future proof organisation components and simultaneously distill the generic elements from it. Jan will share his research results indicating that we are already moving in the right direction with Agile and DevOps

  • he uses Appreciative Inquiry to collect peak experiences that might be part of an ultimate organisation
    ** he uses First Principle Thinking to boil things down to the most fundamental truths and then reasons up from there

Jan de Vries is a senior trainer, business IT consultant, coach, researcher and public speaker in the fields of Agile, DevOps, Business Information Management, Service Management, Antifragility and Strategy Development.

He (co-)founded:
- BlueOceanRecon.com to facilitate the development of Blue Oceans and Lean Startups.
- Antifragility.works to conduct research on the practical application of antifragility in organisations.
- GRCinAgile.com to explore common ground between Agile/DevOps teams and Governance, Risk & Compliance.