Proposals are closed

Submit to speak at DevOpsDays KC 2024!

May 15-16, 2024, Kansas City, MO

As DevOpsDays KC is returning for the first time in 5 years, and with DevOps essentially turning 15, we would love to see submissions which take the following questions into account:

  • With DevOps being 15 years old, have we truly learned anything? Are we cooperating yet?
  • What has DevOps done for corporate teams, for open source, for communities?
  • What does the next 15 years look like for DevOps?

In addition, we invite you to submit your presentations around the following areas:

  • Automation
  • Testing
  • Security
  • Platform Engineering
  • Reliability
  • Organizational Culture
  • CI/CD
  • DevOps Practices
  • Career Development
  • Emerging technologies

General CFP Guidelines

  • Clever is good, but you need to be specific about what attendees will get out of your session.
  • Be concise.
  • Multiple entries are welcome, within reason (so 3)
  • Presentations must conform to the code of conduct.
  • Presentation content must reflect the accepted submission.

Proposals types

  • Auto-advancing Ignite: A 5 minute talk on the topic of your choice with 20 slides which auto-advance, No Q&A.
  • Session: A 25 minute talk on the topic of your choice, 5 min Q&A.

What we're looking for

  • Broad appeal: How will your session play out in a room of people with a variety of backgrounds, roles, and skill levels?
  • New local presenters: You are the only one who can tell your story. We are very interested in the challenges and successes being experienced in our local Seattle area communities.
  • Under-represented voices: We want to hear all voices, including those that may speak less frequently at similar events. Don't let your field, role, background, or personal characteristics hold you back! Your story is valuable.

What we're NOT looking for

  • Third-party submissions: This is a small community-driven event, and speakers need to be directly engaged with the organizers and attendees.
  • Vendor pitches: We value vendors and sponsors, however we cannot accept a talk that appears to be a pitch for a product or service. Instead, please consider sponsoring the event to secure your company a table.

Travel assistance

  • Please let us know if you feel you will be in need of travel assistance in order to present if accepted. We can't make any promises at this time, but will do our best. This will not affect our decision making.

This Call for Papers closed on 2024-02-09 12:10 (US/Central).