Welcome to the DevOpsDays Kerala 2024 Call for Paper (CfP) portal.

DevOpsDays Kerala 2024 is a self-organizing technology conference for DevOps practitioners and part of the worldwide community of ongoing DevOpsDays events. This one-day event brings together Software Development, IT Operations, QA, InfoSec, and IT Management leaders to collaborate and learn from each other. It is both a technical conference and a conference focusing on culture, processes, and structure within organizations. We encourage people with technical and business backgrounds to attend, learn, and share experiences.

The inaugural edition of DevOpsDays Kerala 2024 will have 600 attendees from a diversity of industries and perspectives and will be represented by hands-on practitioners, managers, executives, analysts, students, and local technology companies. DevOpsDays Kerala will feature 30-minute talk proposals, 30-minute panel discussions, 15-minute lightning talks, and 20-minute Open Spaces.

Participant experience is very important to us, and it goes beyond having quality content. We expect the speakers to attend talks and participate in the day-of activities during the event, to help bring the community together. Potential speakers should expect no monetary reimbursements for their participation, travel, or accommodations.

We care deeply about our community, its behavior, and safety. Please review our Code of Conduct before submitting.