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DevOpsDays Salvador Call for Papers

Talk types

There are 3 types of talks at devopsdays:

15 minute talks.
Ignite talk during the ignite session, which are 5 minute talks with autoplay at each 15 seconds (20 slides total).
Open Space: If you want to coordinate a discussion group during the event, you can do it at a Open Space session. There’s no need to propose these before the conference as the topics will be submitted during it.

Why only 15 minutes max?

Our attention span limit is 20 minutes, so our talk slot is 15 minutes + 5 minutes for questions from the audience :)
There are authors that say that 3 minutes are enough to sell an idea, and if you use more time than that, these first 3 minutes will define how the audience will judge your content, so use this time range wisely!

Choosing criteria

Choosing talks is part art, part science; here are some factors we consider when trying to assemble the best possible program for our local audience:

- Broad appeal: How will your talk play out in a room of people with a variety of backgrounds? Technical deep dives need more levels to provide value for the whole room, some of whom might not use your specific tool.
New local presenters: You are the only one who can tell your story. We are very interested in the challenges and successes being experienced in our local area. We are happy to provide guidance/coaching for new speakers upon request.
Under-represented voices: We want to hear all voices, including those that may speak less frequently at similar events. Whether you’re in a field not typically thought of as a technology field, you’re in a large, traditional organization, or you’re the only person at your organization with your background, we are interested in your unique experience.
Original content: We will consider talks that have already been presented elsewhere, but we prefer talks that the local area isn’t likely to have already seen. no third-party submissions: This is a small community-driven event, and speakers need to be directly engaged with the organizers and attendees. If a PR firm or your marketing department is proposing the talk, you’ve already shown that as a speaker you’re distant from the process.
No vendor pitches*: As much as we value vendors and sponsors, we are not going to accept a talk that appears to be a pitch for your product.

Talk ideas

We always look for the bigger topic diversity as possible as we know this is crucial to have an amazing event, so we encourage you to “think outside the box” when submiting your talk, we also encourage you to submit more than a single topic, as statiscally speaking submiting only one topic can lessen your chance of being selected. To help the ideas to flow here’s a few sugestions:

  • IT and mental health
  • Blameless culture
  • Embracing risks
  • Learning from failure
  • Continuous improving
  • Three Ways
  • System Thinking
  • Lean
  • Training drills
  • Diversity at IT
  • Continuous security
  • Workflow
  • Some topic here: the good, the bad and the ugly
  • Culture changing journey
  • Mindset
  • Postmortems
  • Chaos Engineering

You can enter proposals until 2024-11-03 23:59 (Brazil/East), 2 weeks, 5 days from now.