DevOpsDays Vilnius 2025

Devopsdays Vilnius 2025 | Cyber City | 10-11 of September

DevOpsDays Vilnius is a self-organizing technology conference for DevOps practitioners and part of the worldwide community of ongoing DevOpsDays events.

Format includes a single track of in-person only:
- 30 minute talks
- Ignite talks (5min auto-forwarding)
- Open spaces

Note: Ignite talks historically has a 75% acceptance rate; if you want a challenge and a high probability to speak, this is your spot!) You can learn more about ignite talks here.

Participant experience is very important to us, and it goes beyond having quality content. We do not accept vendor sales pitches, PR-firm submissions, or submissions on behalf of someone else.

We do have a small budget for assistance in covering travel, accommodation, or other expenses. Should you need assistance with part of this let us know in the questions section.


  • We prefer local speakers and speakers that can travel sustainably.
  • We prefer not to have talks that have been given in other venues previously, especially ones that can be viewed online easily. Please consider making a new talk to submit to DevOpsDays Vilnius
  • No “vendor talks” - we don’t allow talks that are product pitches. Submissions that seem like sales talk will be declined, so please ensure your summary doesn’t come across that way.
  • For presentations, consider adding an outline in the notes section so that we can get a better idea of what you might focus on.
  • A one-liner is not enough for us to evaluate your talk properly and might end up on the lower end of the voting scale.


Tell us about tools, processes, tips, tricks, war stories, whatever… make us laugh, make us cry, show us how to be more awesome…

We love hearing 'from the trenches' stories from practitioners that become Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger by 'doing' devops. These talks are consistently best received: “We had problem X; we did Y to address it, here’s how that turned out, both the good and the bad.” Sometimes people feel they should dilute their experience and turn it into a more generic presentation. This almost always makes for a weaker submission. Genuine implementations and personal lessons learned are what our audience has consistently found the most compelling.

As for content areas - pretty much anything! DevOps culture, process, technology, tooling… Here are some examples:

  • Knowledge gained on how to adopt a particular way-of-work successfully.
  • Organizational change (management and engineering), collaboration, dependencies, team topologies.
  • Did the culture of DevOps/Cloud-Native/SRE/Platform Engineering spread to other parts of your company? If not, why?
  • Have there been technical changes after the culture in your team changed?
  • What have your organizational experiences been with Cloud Native, Kubernetes, Serverless etc?
  • What is the role of QA/Tester in DevOps, and how do we integrate QA in the continuous delivery process?
  • The impact DevOps has on traditional security/auditing/change control
  • Help prove that DevOps can scale beyond the 5-8 person web startups, we love traditional IT enterprise cases
  • With all the automation, data is still a hard thing to handle, how does it affect DBAs, backup strategies, etc...

Important Dates

  • Call for proposals for talks closes on, April 30, 2025.
  • Call for proposals for ignites closes on, June 30, 2025.
  • Selected talks will be announced not later than on June 1, 2025.
  • Selected ignites will be announced on July 2025

We care deeply about our community, its behavior, and safety. Please review our Code of Conduct before submitting.

You can enter proposals until 2025-04-30 23:59 (Europe/Vilnius), 1 month, 2 weeks from now.