Organiser Summit 2024

Proposals are closed

DevOpsDays Global Organizer Summit 2024

The DevOpsDays Global Organizer Summit 2024 is a one-day event for organizers of DevOpsDays events. It is a chance to meet other organizers, share ideas, and learn from each other. It takes place the day before devopsdays Antwerp/Ghent, and the ticket is a free add-on to registration for that event.

We will spend the day with short talks from other organizers, Open Spaces, and more!

There are two types of sessions you can submit for the summit:
1. Talk: a 15-minute-long plenary session about a thing you learned and want to share with other organizers.
2. Organizer Lead Discussion: If you'd like to lead a group discussion and be put onto the schedule officially, please submit it here. These Open Spaces are 30 minutes long, and while we're intimately familiar with the format, we expect these sessions to turn into deeper collaboration sessions for this particular event.

General Guidelines:

  • Be concise, but include as much detail as is necessary to convey your idea.
  • Please provide at least three concrete takeaways that the audience will get from your talk
  • Multiple entries are welcome.
  • Submissions must be made by one of the proposed presenters; we do not accept proposals submitted on behalf of others
  • All presentations must conform to the code of conduct.
  • Proposals must be submitted via this site (click "Submit a Proposal" at the bottom of this page). If you have questions about our CFP process, please email: [[email protected] ]


  • How we automated sponsor contracts for our city
  • 5 steps to make your event more accessible
  • How to make your social event more... social
  • Location, location, location... how do you find the right one?

Or have a look at the Gent schedule from 2019 for inspiration.

Code of Conduct

All speakers and participants of the Devopsdays Global Organizer Summit are expected to abide by the event's Code of Conduct.

This Call for Papers closed on 2024-05-01 23:59 (Europe/Brussels).